Linkedin For Business: Step-by-Step Guide To Create Linkedin Company Page

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As per the most recent data from LinkedIn, more than 50 million organizations are listed on the platform. With over 706 million users, LinkedIn has turned into a stage that organizations can't overlook, particularly with its excellent base of members. An ever-increasing number of brands are utilizing LinkedIn as a tool and platform for marketing, networking, connecting and selling. Therefore, in this blog, we will show you how to set up a company page for making the best use of LinkedIn for Business in 2022: 


1st Step: Create the page

First and foremost, you should go to the upper right corner of the page and click on the 9 dotted "Work" button. A window will pop up from the right, displaying a rundown of extra free as well as premium solutions offered by LinkedIn. Go to the bottom of the rundown and choose the option that says "Create a Company Page". This can be done by anyone provided that the individual has an active account on LinkedIn.


2nd Step: Select the type of page according to your business

There are 4 kinds of pages available to pick from and their definitions are provided below:

  • Small business - For organizations that have 200 employees or less
  • Medium to large business - For organizations with an employee count of more than 200
  • Showcase page - This option is for businesses that already have a company page on LinkedIn and want to create a secondary page under the existing one
  • Educational institution - For organizations that are a part of the educational industry, including universities and schools

You can feel free to pick the page type that portrays your LinkedIn for Business page most ideally.


3rd Step: Input the essential data regarding your business

Now, you will have to begin adding essential data regarding your business. Once you have uploaded your logo and typed in your tagline, check out the right side of the page.

  • Name of your business
  • LinkedIn Public URL
  • Your website URL
  • The industry that your business is a part of
  • Size of your business
  • Type of your business
  • Business Logo
  • Tagline (one-liner to depict what your organization does or the vision of the organization within 120 characters)


4th Step: Additional data to set up your LinkedIn page ideally 

To get a more optimal perspective of your LinkedIn company profile, click on the button "View as member" located in the upper right corner for an overview. To make it significantly more informative, you can add some extra data about your business. Here are the primary components:

  • Cover picture - This picture shows up just above your company logo and provides you with an opportunity for portraying your mission statement or vision or brand values to visitors.
  • Company description - By clicking on the edit symbol on the right side of your logo, you can simply go to the overview and add a description for your business. People will be able to view this information when they click on the ‘About’ tab.
  • Area - Location is rather straightforward. For this one, you can either add the location of your headquarters or multiple branches based in different countries or regions.


5th Step: Inputting optional details


  • A CTA button - Besides encouraging page visitors to interact with your profile with the primary follow button, you have the choice to another action button just next to it.
  • Hashtags - Also, you can no more than 3 hashtags. They can be either be those followed actively by your audience or the ones that you have particularly created for your business.
  • Featured groups - Using this, you can add LinkedIn groups created in the past to your new Company page. That way, people visiting your page can choose to join these groups if they want.


Maintain a stellar brand presence on LinkedIn for Business with an effective & results-oriented social media marketing strategy. Let Parkyd Digital help you develop the right content for your campaign.

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